Dentistry Articles

Brushing Habits to Break

A new year is here, and with that comes new resolutions! While there are many resolutions, we know some of you are planning to uphold, like eating healthier and exercising more often. Still, at Steier Dental Implants and Prosthodontics, we want to impart this resolution to you, learning to brush better. There are several bad

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Boca Raton Prosthodontics | Steier Dental Implants and Proshtodontics

Dentist Treatments During COVID-19

  COVID-19 has changed the way we live over these last few months.  The changes we’ve had to make in our daily schedules have caused disruptions for many of us in Boca Raton and Palm Beach County. These disruptions have caused stress towards many of us, be they big or small, and this stress has

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